09-13 03:38 PM
Why don't you write and sumbit an op-ed piece to The NY Times? While I personally like watching Jim Lehrer's newshour on PBS, we shouldn't get obsessed with a particular program. We have been featured all over the mainstream media.
Here's the Washington Post Article that inspired me to join IV in April. I challenge you to write an article that will get us our next 6,000 members. And alll news articles about IV exist on a thread. Please look carefully before you trash our efforts. Thank you.
Skilled Immigrants Turn to K Street
High-Tech Workers Awaiting Green Cards Hire Lobbyists, Hit the Hill
By S. Mitra Kalita
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, April 26, 2006; D01
On the December day when Congress killed a budget amendment that might have allowed him to become an American a little sooner, Aman Kapoor started a movement.
He did not march through streets, carry signs, wave a flag from here or there. He did not walk off the job or file out of school. The computer programmer simply went online to a message board tracked by thousands of people in his predicament: highly skilled foreigners waiting years for their green cards.
"I think we can do better and really create the impact with organized effort," he wrote. "To achieve this we need a group of individuals who have shown commitment and motivation in this forum."
The next night, a dozen people living across the United States shed their Internet handles -- Kapoor's was "WaldenPond," a nod to his hero, Henry David Thoreau -- and addressed one another by name on a conference call that lasted an hour. Today, just four months later, the organization they dubbed Immigration Voice boasts 3,000 members; a fundraising goal of $200,000; and, most notably, a partnership with a high-powered lobbying firm, Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC.
The group's transformation from an insular circle to a politically active movement offers a window into an alternative immigrant campaign being waged as the Senate this week resumes its work on immigration laws.
Most members and all the core organizers of Immigration Voice hail from India, though Chinese membership numbers in the hundreds and is on the rise. Most arrived on an international student visa or a visa known as the H-1B, reserved for highly skilled workers who can stay for up to six years -- unless an employer sponsors their green cards, which grant immigrants permanent residence in the United States and the right to live and work here freely. Over the past decade, the largest numbers of H-1Bs have been awarded to high-technology workers from India and China.
Thus, while the passage of a strict border-security bill introduced by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) mobilized many other immigrants in December, members of this high-tech group had their eye on another: a budget reconciliation bill that, in the Senate version, would have allowed those waiting in line for a green card to proceed even if the quota had been exhausted. The provision was cut in conference committee, stirring many to action and leading to the founding of Immigration Voice.
While hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets to get Congress's attention, Immigration Voice took a decidedly different approach. Shortly after the group was established, Kapoor and other volunteers began interviewing lobbyists, relying mostly on Google searches and data from the Center for Public Integrity's Web site.
"If it was not going to be big, it would not be worth the effort," said Kapoor, who works for Florida State University and has traveled to Washington nine times in the past three months. "Most of us have reached that point, having waited for eight or nine years, where individual lives are on hold."
Neither Quinn Gillespie nor Immigration Voice would disclose the amount being paid for the firm's services. Kapoor said it is "less than five figures."
"This is a sympathetic story," said Nick Maduros, a lobbyist for Quinn Gillespie. "For this group, their issues are very technical and are frankly not that controversial, but they have been overshadowed ."
Immigration Voices also enlisted the help of Rick Swartz, who has his own firm and has long been a leading lobbyist for immigration groups. Swartz gathered members of the group at his home one January weekend for a crash course in American politics, teaching them to position themselves as the "new Cubans for the Republicans."
Although their numbers are far smaller -- fewer than 2 million Indians live in the United States, according to the 2000 Census -- the group is among the more affluent immigrant communities. And because their numbers are smaller than those of Hispanics, they are trying to focus on other ways they can exert power -- through their wealth, their positions of influence in the high-tech and business communities, and their alliances with more established advocacy groups such as one for Indian physicians and an Indian political action committee.
While the immigrant marchers' demands have covered a range of issues, including allowing immigrants to gain legal status and eventually citizenship, the members of this association are more narrowly focused: They want Congress to pass measures that would end the years-long wait for a green card. In fact, they warn that efforts to enable millions of illegal immigrants to remain here permanently would result in the same bureaucratic nightmare legal immigrants are now facing.
"If you're going to reform, reform across the board," said Bharati Mandapati, who oversees content for the group, which means she has learned how to word and pitch legislative amendments.
The group has refrained from taking a stand on the fate of the undocumented workers, though it monitors chatter on its Web site to ensure that frustrated high-tech workers don't disparage lower-skilled laborers such as landscapers and restaurant workers. It also has stayed mum on raising the cap on H-1Bs, the visas that made most of their passages possible.
Under a proposal introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the number of employment-based green cards being issued would increase from 140,000 to 290,000. Currently, no one country is supposed to take up more than 7 percent of the allotment, though unused green cards can be redistributed to countries that have already met their quota. That has made possible migrations in excess of 7 percent from nations such as India, China, Mexico and the Philippines. Under the proposal, the per-country cap would be increased to a hard and fast 10 percent. Proponents say this would prevent one country from dominating the category and would retain jobs for native-born Americans.
But Mandapati, a California-based economist, argues that the restriction would hurt the United States because the demand for skills changes. "It just so happens that computer technology and certain technical skills are in great demand here and all over the world. It just so happens that there are two countries that have invested a lot of resources in educating people in these fields . . . India and China."
About a half-million immigrants are caught in the green-card backlog, some as they wait for Labor Department approval or because quotas have been exceeded. In that time, they cannot be promoted or given substantial pay increases because that would mean a change in job description and salary. They turn to Web sites to compare their wait times with others, and their Internet handles, such as "stucklabor" and "waiting_labor," exude their frustration.
During meetings on Capitol Hill, Maduros and at least one Immigration Voice representative lay out the group's platform, weaving in the personal stories of members. Shilpa Ghodgaonkar, a Germantown housewife, has become a staple anecdote -- and a frequent visitor on the Hill.
For four years, she and her husband have been waiting for their green cards. Ghodgaonkar's husband arrived on an H-1B visa, and she followed as his dependent, unauthorized to work here. To pass the time, she learned to cook. Then she volunteered as a career counselor in Montgomery County. Last year, she earned her MBA from George Washington University. In December, around the time Kapoor sent out his e-mail plea for mass mobilization, Ghodgaonkar had run out of options.
"I just couldn't keep quiet anymore," Ghodgaonkar said. "I cannot be depressed anymore."
She keeps a spreadsheet that lays out appointment times and the senators' offices she has visited or still plans to: Specter, Frist, Schumer, Brownback, Bingaman, Feinstein, Feingold. Wednesdays bring a weekly call with Quinn Gillespie. And every few nights, there are conference calls among Immigration Voice's core team.
Now the group plans to closely watch the debate resuming in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier this month, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) proposed amendments with all of the group's provisions. Other lawmakers confirm that they are still meeting with the group to hear their concerns.
Immigration Voice leaders say the past few months have focused and politicized Indian immigrants in a way that was not apparent in the past. "There is a very 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' quality" about the current effort, Mandapati said. "It's been a journey, a loss of naivet� and getting to know about American politics."
� 2006 The Washington Post Company
This is not the article placed on the thread. And nobody is trashing your efforts!!!!
Here's the Washington Post Article that inspired me to join IV in April. I challenge you to write an article that will get us our next 6,000 members. And alll news articles about IV exist on a thread. Please look carefully before you trash our efforts. Thank you.
Skilled Immigrants Turn to K Street
High-Tech Workers Awaiting Green Cards Hire Lobbyists, Hit the Hill
By S. Mitra Kalita
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, April 26, 2006; D01
On the December day when Congress killed a budget amendment that might have allowed him to become an American a little sooner, Aman Kapoor started a movement.
He did not march through streets, carry signs, wave a flag from here or there. He did not walk off the job or file out of school. The computer programmer simply went online to a message board tracked by thousands of people in his predicament: highly skilled foreigners waiting years for their green cards.
"I think we can do better and really create the impact with organized effort," he wrote. "To achieve this we need a group of individuals who have shown commitment and motivation in this forum."
The next night, a dozen people living across the United States shed their Internet handles -- Kapoor's was "WaldenPond," a nod to his hero, Henry David Thoreau -- and addressed one another by name on a conference call that lasted an hour. Today, just four months later, the organization they dubbed Immigration Voice boasts 3,000 members; a fundraising goal of $200,000; and, most notably, a partnership with a high-powered lobbying firm, Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC.
The group's transformation from an insular circle to a politically active movement offers a window into an alternative immigrant campaign being waged as the Senate this week resumes its work on immigration laws.
Most members and all the core organizers of Immigration Voice hail from India, though Chinese membership numbers in the hundreds and is on the rise. Most arrived on an international student visa or a visa known as the H-1B, reserved for highly skilled workers who can stay for up to six years -- unless an employer sponsors their green cards, which grant immigrants permanent residence in the United States and the right to live and work here freely. Over the past decade, the largest numbers of H-1Bs have been awarded to high-technology workers from India and China.
Thus, while the passage of a strict border-security bill introduced by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) mobilized many other immigrants in December, members of this high-tech group had their eye on another: a budget reconciliation bill that, in the Senate version, would have allowed those waiting in line for a green card to proceed even if the quota had been exhausted. The provision was cut in conference committee, stirring many to action and leading to the founding of Immigration Voice.
While hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets to get Congress's attention, Immigration Voice took a decidedly different approach. Shortly after the group was established, Kapoor and other volunteers began interviewing lobbyists, relying mostly on Google searches and data from the Center for Public Integrity's Web site.
"If it was not going to be big, it would not be worth the effort," said Kapoor, who works for Florida State University and has traveled to Washington nine times in the past three months. "Most of us have reached that point, having waited for eight or nine years, where individual lives are on hold."
Neither Quinn Gillespie nor Immigration Voice would disclose the amount being paid for the firm's services. Kapoor said it is "less than five figures."
"This is a sympathetic story," said Nick Maduros, a lobbyist for Quinn Gillespie. "For this group, their issues are very technical and are frankly not that controversial, but they have been overshadowed ."
Immigration Voices also enlisted the help of Rick Swartz, who has his own firm and has long been a leading lobbyist for immigration groups. Swartz gathered members of the group at his home one January weekend for a crash course in American politics, teaching them to position themselves as the "new Cubans for the Republicans."
Although their numbers are far smaller -- fewer than 2 million Indians live in the United States, according to the 2000 Census -- the group is among the more affluent immigrant communities. And because their numbers are smaller than those of Hispanics, they are trying to focus on other ways they can exert power -- through their wealth, their positions of influence in the high-tech and business communities, and their alliances with more established advocacy groups such as one for Indian physicians and an Indian political action committee.
While the immigrant marchers' demands have covered a range of issues, including allowing immigrants to gain legal status and eventually citizenship, the members of this association are more narrowly focused: They want Congress to pass measures that would end the years-long wait for a green card. In fact, they warn that efforts to enable millions of illegal immigrants to remain here permanently would result in the same bureaucratic nightmare legal immigrants are now facing.
"If you're going to reform, reform across the board," said Bharati Mandapati, who oversees content for the group, which means she has learned how to word and pitch legislative amendments.
The group has refrained from taking a stand on the fate of the undocumented workers, though it monitors chatter on its Web site to ensure that frustrated high-tech workers don't disparage lower-skilled laborers such as landscapers and restaurant workers. It also has stayed mum on raising the cap on H-1Bs, the visas that made most of their passages possible.
Under a proposal introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the number of employment-based green cards being issued would increase from 140,000 to 290,000. Currently, no one country is supposed to take up more than 7 percent of the allotment, though unused green cards can be redistributed to countries that have already met their quota. That has made possible migrations in excess of 7 percent from nations such as India, China, Mexico and the Philippines. Under the proposal, the per-country cap would be increased to a hard and fast 10 percent. Proponents say this would prevent one country from dominating the category and would retain jobs for native-born Americans.
But Mandapati, a California-based economist, argues that the restriction would hurt the United States because the demand for skills changes. "It just so happens that computer technology and certain technical skills are in great demand here and all over the world. It just so happens that there are two countries that have invested a lot of resources in educating people in these fields . . . India and China."
About a half-million immigrants are caught in the green-card backlog, some as they wait for Labor Department approval or because quotas have been exceeded. In that time, they cannot be promoted or given substantial pay increases because that would mean a change in job description and salary. They turn to Web sites to compare their wait times with others, and their Internet handles, such as "stucklabor" and "waiting_labor," exude their frustration.
During meetings on Capitol Hill, Maduros and at least one Immigration Voice representative lay out the group's platform, weaving in the personal stories of members. Shilpa Ghodgaonkar, a Germantown housewife, has become a staple anecdote -- and a frequent visitor on the Hill.
For four years, she and her husband have been waiting for their green cards. Ghodgaonkar's husband arrived on an H-1B visa, and she followed as his dependent, unauthorized to work here. To pass the time, she learned to cook. Then she volunteered as a career counselor in Montgomery County. Last year, she earned her MBA from George Washington University. In December, around the time Kapoor sent out his e-mail plea for mass mobilization, Ghodgaonkar had run out of options.
"I just couldn't keep quiet anymore," Ghodgaonkar said. "I cannot be depressed anymore."
She keeps a spreadsheet that lays out appointment times and the senators' offices she has visited or still plans to: Specter, Frist, Schumer, Brownback, Bingaman, Feinstein, Feingold. Wednesdays bring a weekly call with Quinn Gillespie. And every few nights, there are conference calls among Immigration Voice's core team.
Now the group plans to closely watch the debate resuming in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier this month, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) proposed amendments with all of the group's provisions. Other lawmakers confirm that they are still meeting with the group to hear their concerns.
Immigration Voice leaders say the past few months have focused and politicized Indian immigrants in a way that was not apparent in the past. "There is a very 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' quality" about the current effort, Mandapati said. "It's been a journey, a loss of naivet� and getting to know about American politics."
� 2006 The Washington Post Company
This is not the article placed on the thread. And nobody is trashing your efforts!!!!
wallpaper samurai warrior tattoos,

09-17 11:31 AM
back for me too.
they are speaking abt 6020...ours is next
they are speaking abt 6020...ours is next
02-13 03:40 PM
Core : keep up the goog Work.
2011 twin warrior babes with
06-12 01:50 PM
Yes I do agree with you. This is a most affected category these days and even look at the past few yrs data, very slow movement.
EB3-India filer
EB3-India filer
03-13 12:12 PM
I completely disagree with your message here. You dont even know what the personal reason for not participating in a state chapter is. I, for one, am unable to join a state chapter, because , the nearest chapter is 400 miles and 2 states away. What good would it do to me to join something that I can never be part of. I wanted to start a state chapter here in my place, but I couldnt find any useful resources on how to do it. May be eb3_nepa has some reasons like it.
Like you said, IV is not a top-down organization, which means everyone is responsible for everyone. I dont see anything wrong with eb3_nepa's questions. He wanted to know what is going on. I am sure there are lots of people around here who has the same questions.
The Admin Fixes letter campaign was a good initiative. But, the target date got moved twice, and now I dont even know when the end date is.
May be IV should be a top-down organization. Any organization as big as IV would probably be better served with a Top Team. That team could probably elected by the community. I am confident, that most of our members wouldnt even mind spending a few extra bucks to pay a honarary amount to this team for their efforts and time. Then there will be more structure and accountability and action going on around here.
I came to know about IV pretty late. When I did learn about IV and joined IV, I was a very enthusiastic participant. Of late, I do believe IV is fading away. I dont see so many activities going on around here. Like eb3_nepa and few others said, IV is right now becoming just another Immigration portal. It is starting to lose its identity.
After doing all the hard work to gather a mass or like minded people, it will be shameful, if IV drifts away from its stated aim. So, may be it is time for every member, including core members like you to refect upon things and come up with ways to make this organization more transparent and more accessible for people like me.
Like Waldenpond said, it is probably not wise to list all the items going on in the portal. The work around to that would be, we can add another membership type which is more restrictive. This membership group will have only members whose identities have been verified. Once this group is created, IV can post all the happenings accessible to them. This will help people like me who are unable to be part of any state chapter to know what is happening at IV. Keep our sprits high.
Thank you
When you join a state chapter or a group in your area, it is not necessary to conduct face-to-face meetings everyday/every week, although in person meetings wouldn't hurt. The idea is to create a channel to dissipate information through channels other than WWW. Believe it or not, there are lot many folks from anti-groups who lurk around just to keep an eye on us. Participating or becoming part of the group near to you and encourage others to do the same will also help to build/strength a group of like minded folks in the area who could then team-up to meet with local lawmakers from your area/state. We are a grass roots organization and we need to have a stronger grassroots in order to continue to be more effective. As I said earlier, this channel also is very useful to dissipate information which cannot be shared on world wide web.
Now a days when everybody has presidential election on their mind, immigration issue is not on the list of things to do for most lawmakers. As such, it takes time for the updates and the there are updates that cannot be disclosed on www. We continue to work on our issues in manner we have always worked in the past. And in the absence of Congress not taking up our immigration issues, it some how becomes our fault even though it is ok if some folks would show up from time to time and suggest that they have reasons not to join a google or a yahoo group. And all of a sudden the problem is with organization and the manner in which we work and then there is an urgent to create a “process”. Although you seem to be suggesting that you want all the ducks in the row and world peace issues sorted out before you will start accepting updates in exactly the manner in which you like to receive them. Is that correct? How about the idea of getting actively involved in your area and create an active chapter, which was your idea to begin with, and one I would agree is an excellent idea.
It is of'course a valid question - “what is going on”. Also it is a very general statement and one which can have a very long answer and one which can be answered in few words. If you become part of a group in your area, you will know what is going on. Please understand that a significant number of members are putting lot of effort, if others are not able to participate actively, is it not fair to ask others to help in organizing in groups in the local area and be regular communication so that action items could be handled effectively?
Like you said, IV is not a top-down organization, which means everyone is responsible for everyone. I dont see anything wrong with eb3_nepa's questions. He wanted to know what is going on. I am sure there are lots of people around here who has the same questions.
The Admin Fixes letter campaign was a good initiative. But, the target date got moved twice, and now I dont even know when the end date is.
May be IV should be a top-down organization. Any organization as big as IV would probably be better served with a Top Team. That team could probably elected by the community. I am confident, that most of our members wouldnt even mind spending a few extra bucks to pay a honarary amount to this team for their efforts and time. Then there will be more structure and accountability and action going on around here.
I came to know about IV pretty late. When I did learn about IV and joined IV, I was a very enthusiastic participant. Of late, I do believe IV is fading away. I dont see so many activities going on around here. Like eb3_nepa and few others said, IV is right now becoming just another Immigration portal. It is starting to lose its identity.
After doing all the hard work to gather a mass or like minded people, it will be shameful, if IV drifts away from its stated aim. So, may be it is time for every member, including core members like you to refect upon things and come up with ways to make this organization more transparent and more accessible for people like me.
Like Waldenpond said, it is probably not wise to list all the items going on in the portal. The work around to that would be, we can add another membership type which is more restrictive. This membership group will have only members whose identities have been verified. Once this group is created, IV can post all the happenings accessible to them. This will help people like me who are unable to be part of any state chapter to know what is happening at IV. Keep our sprits high.
Thank you
When you join a state chapter or a group in your area, it is not necessary to conduct face-to-face meetings everyday/every week, although in person meetings wouldn't hurt. The idea is to create a channel to dissipate information through channels other than WWW. Believe it or not, there are lot many folks from anti-groups who lurk around just to keep an eye on us. Participating or becoming part of the group near to you and encourage others to do the same will also help to build/strength a group of like minded folks in the area who could then team-up to meet with local lawmakers from your area/state. We are a grass roots organization and we need to have a stronger grassroots in order to continue to be more effective. As I said earlier, this channel also is very useful to dissipate information which cannot be shared on world wide web.
Now a days when everybody has presidential election on their mind, immigration issue is not on the list of things to do for most lawmakers. As such, it takes time for the updates and the there are updates that cannot be disclosed on www. We continue to work on our issues in manner we have always worked in the past. And in the absence of Congress not taking up our immigration issues, it some how becomes our fault even though it is ok if some folks would show up from time to time and suggest that they have reasons not to join a google or a yahoo group. And all of a sudden the problem is with organization and the manner in which we work and then there is an urgent to create a “process”. Although you seem to be suggesting that you want all the ducks in the row and world peace issues sorted out before you will start accepting updates in exactly the manner in which you like to receive them. Is that correct? How about the idea of getting actively involved in your area and create an active chapter, which was your idea to begin with, and one I would agree is an excellent idea.
It is of'course a valid question - “what is going on”. Also it is a very general statement and one which can have a very long answer and one which can be answered in few words. If you become part of a group in your area, you will know what is going on. Please understand that a significant number of members are putting lot of effort, if others are not able to participate actively, is it not fair to ask others to help in organizing in groups in the local area and be regular communication so that action items could be handled effectively?
01-08 03:06 PM
Visa Bulletin for February 2010 (http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_4611.html)
1st C C C C C
2nd C 22MAY05 22JAN05 C C
3rd 22SEP02 22SEP02 22JUN01 01JUL02 22SEP02
Thanks bro.
We are in the same old state. :eek:
1st C C C C C
2nd C 22MAY05 22JAN05 C C
3rd 22SEP02 22SEP02 22JUN01 01JUL02 22SEP02
Thanks bro.
We are in the same old state. :eek:
03-08 11:08 AM
This is in reference to a thread about feeling depressed by retrogression or labor backlogs to stuck FBI namechecks or whatever it is that depresses you. Not criticizing anyone in particular so dont aim for me.
Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.
After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.
Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.
As to how to deal with this...try this.
Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from House.gov, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.
Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.
Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.
Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..
Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill (http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/frontpage/2007/0308/1173121325488.html)and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.
However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.
After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.
So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.
It is a very good analysis ..... people please wake up and do something atleast other than reading the post, i think this is our last chance for any type of reform in immigration. If you have not yet partcipated in any form (contribution / volunteer work) please do so,
Yes, and a lot of people know that there are highly skilled people who are depressed and that takes a toll on employee productivity.
After all, if 90% of your time is spent on thinking about BECs and visa bulletins, imagine if that time was spent on doing the job they've hired you for.
Some employers(like Microsoft) realize this and want to do something about it. Its not just about keeping the best and brightest here in USA. Its also about keeping the morale and productivity up.
As to how to deal with this...try this.
Call your local congressman's office(Find out info about that from House.gov, with your zipcode). Get an appointment with congressman. There is an Easter recess coming up when they would be back from DC.
Then talk to him about all issues you have. Take all the material you need from the "Volunteer" menu item of this website.
Doing something about the problem is the best therapy there is. I am not saying this because I want to coax you into meeting your congressman. No. That's not the objective. But I think action is the best remedy for this problem. And there is actionable stuff to do about this. If you are suffering from terminal cancer, then you really cant do anything about that. This is not such a problem. This is a problem for which the solution is out there.
Somehow, after landing in this country, people lose the appetite for risk and adventure. Before they are in here, they would move mountains to score an H1 or an F1. After coming here, they hunker down, heads-under-the-desk kind of approach. What I am talking about is nearly 200 people right now, who have read this post, but havent logged in. They wouldnt log in. They wouldnt give their real email address if they sign up. They would never contribute. WHY? Because they are afraid. That they will be deported. For no reason. Everything we do is legal, including raising funds and spending it on lobbying. But they are afraid. They are also afraid that by talking to congressmen, they will make them mad and the congressman will pick up the phone, call USCIS and then get their 140 cancelled. Yes. People create their own fastasies and become afraid of them..
Yesterday, nearly 2000 Irish illegals went to capitol hill (http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/frontpage/2007/0308/1173121325488.html)and talked to various lawmakers to lobby for CIR and legalization. They were illegals. Yet, the somehow managed to walk into the building where laws of this country are made, talk to people who make the laws that they have broken, go thru Capitol Hill security check, and look into the eye of the lawmaker and talk to them.
However, our community, this is how they behave. Forget about talking to congressman, or contributing money. When they call the core group with a question, they block the caller id can call. Dont disclose their name too. Ask a questions and then quickely hang up. Some of them want to contribute with cash because they are not willing to believe us that we are doing everything legal here and its their right to lobbying and petition the Government for problems.
After paying taxes, after following all immigration laws, after getting all the education in the world to become "Highly skilled", the highly skilled cant bring themselves to stand-up with a straight spine, thump their desk and talk to their lawmaker.
So at the end of the day, if we are depressed that legals dont get attention, then you know where to look for blame : the highly skilled who are highly educated and too afraid because their education and skills make them think too much and analyze too much, and they are afraid all the time.
It is a very good analysis ..... people please wake up and do something atleast other than reading the post, i think this is our last chance for any type of reform in immigration. If you have not yet partcipated in any form (contribution / volunteer work) please do so,
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07-30 03:46 PM
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You should be able to look up option prices from most of the electronic brokers. I have used tdameritrade and optionsexpress.
Does optionexpress platform provide any special advantages related to option trading in terms of strategy analysis etc? I have etrade and I am not sure if i am missing anything
12-13 02:24 PM
Let it be an open forum. The reason why Rajeev Khanna's Immigration Portal got so many hits before IV was that it is free.....Why we need to have paid membership when our funding drive was successful is still beyond me
I never have and never will like the idea of being asked to pay, I give what I can unasked. What of the people that by circumstance do currently not have these amounts of money to spare. I should not have to feel excluded nor should I have to explain my very personal reasons why to everyone.
Have you guys looked in the forums lately, people are getting "yelled" at and talked to rudely if they do not disclose how much exactly they have contributed. So we are only allowed to an opinion or help if we have money?
I will contribute when I have money to spare, however it seems I will have to leave this organization based on the comments that have been out there before I get to the point where I can afford to contribute. That goes for both time and money, some of us have responsibilities that we do not want to disclose.
*sigh* I might have just opened myself up to the ones that like to attack....go ahead...
I never have and never will like the idea of being asked to pay, I give what I can unasked. What of the people that by circumstance do currently not have these amounts of money to spare. I should not have to feel excluded nor should I have to explain my very personal reasons why to everyone.
Have you guys looked in the forums lately, people are getting "yelled" at and talked to rudely if they do not disclose how much exactly they have contributed. So we are only allowed to an opinion or help if we have money?
I will contribute when I have money to spare, however it seems I will have to leave this organization based on the comments that have been out there before I get to the point where I can afford to contribute. That goes for both time and money, some of us have responsibilities that we do not want to disclose.
*sigh* I might have just opened myself up to the ones that like to attack....go ahead...
hair of the Samurai warriors
01-30 09:56 PM
03-10 07:11 PM
620,249 I-485 applications to adjust status are pending applications
http://www.uscis.gov/files/article/APPLICATIONS%20FOR%20IMMIGRATION%20BENEFITS_Januar y09.pdf
http://www.uscis.gov/files/article/APPLICATIONS%20FOR%20IMMIGRATION%20BENEFITS_Januar y09.pdf
hot Japanese Women Samurai Warrior
01-10 09:39 AM
I have been a IV member since 2006 . I have seen the ups/downs . donated money , sent letters , attended rallies and done whatever has been been proposed . But I see that many senior members who had the drive to motivate people are not sending or being part of any messages or threads at all and that is exactly why the movement seems to be losing steam .
The standard response that I see to any question is "have you donated money ? " . "Don't ask for anything till you have donated. " this is followed by some some red dots which normally works to silence the questions. People will be willing to donate when they believe in the movement . I remember we collected $ 30,000 in 1 month before the rally there was huge thread with all the donations . People were charged up and the money came up automatically . I am willing to donate but to be brutally honest I do not see the same level of motivation as was there in 2006 / 2007 days .Please use this as a wakeup call and not as reason to vent your frustration on me .
There are many senior members who I do not even see any more . Members joining in late 2007 or early 2008 will not know any of these guys .
Aman Kapoor . He is the founder of IV . I have not seen his messages since the past 3 years almost . Where is he ? Is it too much for him to send a greeting in New years eve motivating the members ? It takes just 2 minutes .
Mark Bartosik :- He was supposed to the spokesperson for IV .The guy with the MasterCard sign for immigration . I have not seen him for quite some time now
Where are the other senior leaders like
a) Walden Pond
b) There was a this British Girl from San Jose ( had a handle which had name like Rose or something )
c) Niloufer Bustani from Dallas. I see her once in a while but very sparingly .
The others even I have forgotten completely.
The only leadership/core that I see is Pappu and no one else . If you have a country where the prime minister shows his face only once in 4 years , how are the people supposed to believe in that movement ? Please don't reply with a message saying what have I done or why can't I contribute money ? I have done that I am looking for leadership to show us the way and motivate us . All campaigns don't need money donations( Letters , calls , faxes etc ) . We could start with that and then drum up support and momentum and then the money will start flowing in automatically . There has to be a synchronized campaign organized by the leadership and all I see is everybody putting their eggs in the basket called spillover.
they ask me for monthly contributions and I ask them to hold something big, a rally or something first, as I was not July2007 filer. That's why I am stopping to come here now. To ask for contributions, IV must hold something big,
The standard response that I see to any question is "have you donated money ? " . "Don't ask for anything till you have donated. " this is followed by some some red dots which normally works to silence the questions. People will be willing to donate when they believe in the movement . I remember we collected $ 30,000 in 1 month before the rally there was huge thread with all the donations . People were charged up and the money came up automatically . I am willing to donate but to be brutally honest I do not see the same level of motivation as was there in 2006 / 2007 days .Please use this as a wakeup call and not as reason to vent your frustration on me .
There are many senior members who I do not even see any more . Members joining in late 2007 or early 2008 will not know any of these guys .
Aman Kapoor . He is the founder of IV . I have not seen his messages since the past 3 years almost . Where is he ? Is it too much for him to send a greeting in New years eve motivating the members ? It takes just 2 minutes .
Mark Bartosik :- He was supposed to the spokesperson for IV .The guy with the MasterCard sign for immigration . I have not seen him for quite some time now
Where are the other senior leaders like
a) Walden Pond
b) There was a this British Girl from San Jose ( had a handle which had name like Rose or something )
c) Niloufer Bustani from Dallas. I see her once in a while but very sparingly .
The others even I have forgotten completely.
The only leadership/core that I see is Pappu and no one else . If you have a country where the prime minister shows his face only once in 4 years , how are the people supposed to believe in that movement ? Please don't reply with a message saying what have I done or why can't I contribute money ? I have done that I am looking for leadership to show us the way and motivate us . All campaigns don't need money donations( Letters , calls , faxes etc ) . We could start with that and then drum up support and momentum and then the money will start flowing in automatically . There has to be a synchronized campaign organized by the leadership and all I see is everybody putting their eggs in the basket called spillover.
they ask me for monthly contributions and I ask them to hold something big, a rally or something first, as I was not July2007 filer. That's why I am stopping to come here now. To ask for contributions, IV must hold something big,
house samurai warrior,

07-18 12:53 PM
Date Delivered To USCIS: July 2
Time Delivered To USCIS: 9.01 AM
Mode of filing :Fedex
Service Center: NSC
Rejected: Dont Know
Time Delivered To USCIS: 9.01 AM
Mode of filing :Fedex
Service Center: NSC
Rejected: Dont Know
tattoo Japanese Demon Samurai Warrior Tattoo
06-16 09:58 AM
mette...just read your post...your mean :p
pictures Tattoo samurai warrior battles
10-29 07:25 AM
Thanks greencard_fever.
I have emailed the sample letter to everyone. Please send me a message again if you did not get it. Good luck!
Hi caliguy..i did not receive any message from can you send me the letter format.
I have emailed the sample letter to everyone. Please send me a message again if you did not get it. Good luck!
Hi caliguy..i did not receive any message from can you send me the letter format.
dresses Samurai were supposed to lead
04-19 09:27 PM
Your comment is proof that even the best education money can buy does not make up for being short on common sense, decency and respect. Perhaps you should attempt another Masters, and shove it where the sun never shines. It's stunning, some of the "educated" prima donnas who make up this community.
Found one more without good education.
Found one more without good education.
makeup Tattoo #1
07-17 05:53 PM
I don't know why but we tend to be satisfied with lsmall benefits...
I agree with you "something (EAD and AP) is better than nothing"
But i bet you ..you will find your self in the same situation of agony and endless waiting for the final Green card.
I bet most of the people don't use your ead and AP as it puts you in a gray "Adjustment of status". They are good to have though. But you will see...how painful it is to decide to use them or not..
What i want to say is that being able to apply for EAD and AP is not the end of the battle..you will be stuck in a depressing situation waiting for the final green card.How do i know? .. I went through it...waiting for GC for the past 4 years.
I dont know its FBI or its just the USCIS incompetence but waiting in the final stage is horrible. Every time you travel you are scared...AP as for as my lawyer goes IT does not guarantee 100% entry in to the country.
After you apply for AP its only 1 year H1 increments.
What i am saying why dont we try for the overall improvement of the GC processing. Why dont we be firm about not wasting the GC numbers and recapturing the unused numbers.
We had a small revolt (peaceful way) and its successful.We dont want to stop there.
I hope you guys are with me..looking for your comments
I agree with your opinion however we might be in the minority here, fellow members(some of them) are just concerned about getting an EAD and AP. They do now know the issues we face after that. Every year renewals, associated risk of not getting AP in time to travel out and not to metion that fact that this will definitely add to the waiting period indefinitely again unless we get together and initiate a campaign for
1. Recapturing unused visa numbers from past years
2. Getting USCIS to treat Primary + Derivatives as one Visa number rather than individual.
any takers?
cheers - peace
I agree with you "something (EAD and AP) is better than nothing"
But i bet you ..you will find your self in the same situation of agony and endless waiting for the final Green card.
I bet most of the people don't use your ead and AP as it puts you in a gray "Adjustment of status". They are good to have though. But you will see...how painful it is to decide to use them or not..
What i want to say is that being able to apply for EAD and AP is not the end of the battle..you will be stuck in a depressing situation waiting for the final green card.How do i know? .. I went through it...waiting for GC for the past 4 years.
I dont know its FBI or its just the USCIS incompetence but waiting in the final stage is horrible. Every time you travel you are scared...AP as for as my lawyer goes IT does not guarantee 100% entry in to the country.
After you apply for AP its only 1 year H1 increments.
What i am saying why dont we try for the overall improvement of the GC processing. Why dont we be firm about not wasting the GC numbers and recapturing the unused numbers.
We had a small revolt (peaceful way) and its successful.We dont want to stop there.
I hope you guys are with me..looking for your comments
I agree with your opinion however we might be in the minority here, fellow members(some of them) are just concerned about getting an EAD and AP. They do now know the issues we face after that. Every year renewals, associated risk of not getting AP in time to travel out and not to metion that fact that this will definitely add to the waiting period indefinitely again unless we get together and initiate a campaign for
1. Recapturing unused visa numbers from past years
2. Getting USCIS to treat Primary + Derivatives as one Visa number rather than individual.
any takers?
cheers - peace
girlfriend cross a Samurai Warrior,
05-24 02:02 PM
I am sure each one of us has enough resources to settle anywher ein the world....it is just more work, shifting etc etc....
Whoa re willing to take that initiative....let show them waht mettle we are made of - these selfish politicians...and Corporate america
Whoa re willing to take that initiative....let show them waht mettle we are made of - these selfish politicians...and Corporate america
hairstyles Tattoo Designs by Category
02-01 05:22 PM
I do think a lot of times that Hillary has a better handle of issues and she is very articulate. Billary (yes Billary) concerns me. I think it is going to be tough to be just Hillary and not Billary.She had a good answer for it last night but it is hard beleive there will be no Billary. I visit hillaryclinton.com more than barackobama.com :)
Obama definately is not as articulate as Hillary. However like many I want to see a completely new face as the democratic candidate. I knew Clinton's from when I was like 10 years old. They had their opportunity already and we have already tasted their approach. I am one of those people who is looking for a complete change. No clinton's, No Bush's, No Kennedy's. I am looking for young politicians to emerge through out the world.
Let's see how Super Tuesday turns out.
That is a cliche. Everyone says it without knowing the details.
Obama has very poor understanding of issues. He has no idea how to solve most of the problems.
Lot of persons (like you :)) like him!
Billary (oops! Hillary) knows everything. She takes some cheap shots which she does't have to!
Obama definately is not as articulate as Hillary. However like many I want to see a completely new face as the democratic candidate. I knew Clinton's from when I was like 10 years old. They had their opportunity already and we have already tasted their approach. I am one of those people who is looking for a complete change. No clinton's, No Bush's, No Kennedy's. I am looking for young politicians to emerge through out the world.
Let's see how Super Tuesday turns out.
That is a cliche. Everyone says it without knowing the details.
Obama has very poor understanding of issues. He has no idea how to solve most of the problems.
Lot of persons (like you :)) like him!
Billary (oops! Hillary) knows everything. She takes some cheap shots which she does't have to!
07-16 09:43 AM
Robert Kumar
03-29 06:15 AM
It is possible INS can track you down using posts here as you seem to be illegally here in the US. I wouldnt be advising anything to you as you are an illegal alien.
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